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Sales Coaching Software 2024: Complete Guide

Sales Coaching as a category is broken. How do you approach sales coaching? Sales Performance Management, Call Recording, Learning Management Systems, Conversational Intelligence - all can lead to Sales Coaching.

Sales Coaching involves skill building, best practices adoption, behavioral coaching, contextual coaching, content based coaching to name a few. Organizations need scale in sales coaching especially when there is a large, distributed and remote workforce, at the same time it has to be personalized. Some organizations rely more on human involvement in coaching than others - they use sales performance management and call recording to coach their sales reps. AI is becoming increasingly pervasive in sales coaching with the adoption of conversational intelligence. Company’s needs are very varied and no one software fits all. We have vendor offerings that specialize in various dimensions of sales coaching and more are emerging.

At Cuspera, our research team has picked top 220+ products which support sales coaching use cases and our AI engine has curated insights from peers and experts to showcase their unique capabilities. Learn how Sales Coaching Software helps your business and how to choose the right software.

What is the right solution for you depends on your business context and needs. Let us help you firm up your needs and find you the right-fit solutions. Get your personalized assessment report now!

Updated By Cuspera

Last updated: Jan 31, 2024

Best Sales Coaching Software

Sales coaching is an integral part of Sales Managers’ activity to develop winning sales teams. and it directly contributes to meeting targets and growing revenue. Sales coaching is key to accelerate sales readiness, reduce ramp time and improve sales performance using a data driven approach. Revenue leaders adopt different techniques and tools to drive coaching. Sales leaders who have used effective tools have seen 50% reduction in ramp up time and more than 2X increase in engagement with their sales reps.

Some of the common techniques used by sales leaders include reviewing sales call recording, video recording, role plays, coaching driven from sales activities like pipeline review, deal based coaching, micro learning to name a few. The tools also employ a variety of techniques from call recording to video recording. Coaching and learning go hand in hand, so several LMS based platforms also extend to sales coaching. Gong, Chorus are Conversational Intelligence platforms that specialize in coaching based on call recording, Lessonly, BrainShark are more learning and knowledge centric platforms. ExecVision focuses on coaching to drive human behavior change. Worxogo provides AI based highly personalized digital coach to sales team members to nudge them for behavioral change and is driven by business KPI and organizational structure to drive the sales performance. Post pandemic situation has seen increased interest in remote coaching by the businesses.

Our Buyer’s Guide provides you detailed guidelines to select the best sales coaching platform that best suits your business. We bring you a selection of such platforms and tools for your consideration.


Revenue Intelligence Platform to coach sales reps


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Gong Icon


Revenue Intelligence Platform to coach sales reps

Gong is a revenue intelligence platform that sales managers use to coach their sales reps.

It gives sales managers direct visibility into sales conversations to help them get direct feedback on pricing, messaging, product rollouts etc. Insights into sales conversations help to identify best practices, scale them across sales teams and thus reduce ramp up times for new hires. They also help to improve quota attainment and thus directly contribute to topline.

Gong has integrations with all major web / video conferencing software. It can directly join your meetings and record your conversations. It uses AI to transcribe your calls and identifies coachable moments for upsell, cross-sell etc.


Kara Martin

Mid-Market Sales Manager


Gong Icon
Top Processes : Sales call management,Call coaching,Deal analytics & insights
Top Features : Recording,Voice transcription,Alerts: popups & Notifications

Vendor: Gong

Founded: 2015

Company Size: 101-250

HQ Location: 814 Mission St, Floor 4 San Francisco, CA 94103

Financials: SERIES E

Chorus by ZoomInfo

Conversation Intelligence Platform for Sales to drive team performance


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Chorus by ZoomInfo Icon

Chorus by ZoomInfo

Conversation Intelligence Platform for Sales to drive team performance

Chorus by ZoomInfo is the leading Conversation Intelligence platform for sales teams (reps and managers both use Chorus).

Organizations can unlock the insights that help your team close more deals, conduct sales performance reviews and ramp reps faster. Top benefits include cloning your best sales reps and coaching to win more deals.

Chorus joins the online calls and records them. It uses AI to transcribe the calls and point out key moments for upsell, and cross-sell. It also allows you to search by keywords like pricing, competitor names, etc.




Housecall Pro

Chorus by ZoomInfo Icon
Top Processes : Sales coaching,Sales rep engagement,Rep engagement
Top Features : Recording,Voice transcription,Alerts: popups & Notifications

Vendor: Zoominfo

Founded: 2000

Company Size: 1001-5000

HQ Location: Vancouver, WA

Financials: PRIVATE


Training, enablement, and coaching software for better results


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Lessonly Icon


Training, enablement, and coaching software for better results

Lessonly is a LMS software that is used by Customer Service, Sales and L&D functions in a company.

This helps in faster onboarding, higher NPS scores, close more deals and improved customer experience. Using Lessonly, one can create interactive training content. It provides omni channel practice scenarios for users that can be used to coach at scale with ongoing feedback mechanism, close knowledge gaps so that everybody is on the same page. It also provides dynamic dashboards and reports to measure training success.


Verche (Vera) Karafiloska

Head of Product Marketing


Lessonly Icon
Top Processes : Training & onboarding,Engagement management,Engaging and following up
Top Features : Personalization,Gamification,Contests/quizes

Vendor: Seismic

Founded: 2010

Company Size: 1001-5000

HQ Location: 12770 El Camino Real Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92130

Financials: SERIES G

What is Sales Coaching?

Sales Coaching

Simply put, sales coaching is a process that helps sales reps achieve a higher degree of performance. Sales Coaching is -


It involves having one to one sessions helping the rep discover himself, what his strengths are, the gaps in his thinking, his weaknesses, his motivations and enable him to build and grow his relationships, etc.

Ongoing, Long term

It is not a one-time activity but when sustained over a period of time, it can truly transform the rep's performance.

Behavior focussed

Coaching focuses on replicable customer winning behavior, versus only closing single deals.

As a Manager, telling the sales rep what to do and how to do is NOT coaching. This only ensures you have solved their problem once. Because in this model, the sales reps keep coming back for hiccups, doubts, and glitches faced. Now the manager becomes a blocker for the Sales rep to grow. Sales coaching, on the other hand, aims to help sales reps achieve their goals by helping them figure out ways to move past the hiccups, doubts, and glitches by themselves, and not by trying to solve their every problem; in essence teaching the man how to fish independently.

Types of Sales Coaching Tools

Sales Coaching tools help managers to dive deeper into sales conversations and activities to identify coaching moments and improve sales performance.

Sales coaching tools broadly fit into 3 types

Coaching Based on Call Recordings

Sales coaching software records your sales calls and transcribes them. They also analyze the calls and score it on the desired parameters like tone, speed of talking, etc. Peers/managers can listen to the call recordings and give feedback on what worked and what needs improvement. They can also identify pivotal moments and upsell/cross-sell opportunities.

Coaching Based on Video Recordings

Sales coaching software analyzes your video recordings, role plays and scores them with respect to predefined parameters. They also allow your peers/managers to give feedback on these recordings. They can be used to create libraries of best practices of recordings from top reps that help ramp up sales reps faster. Added benefits include consistent messaging and sales processes across the team.

Coaching Based on Sales Activity

Some coaching tools track sales team activities across the pipeline. They are helpful to identify which deals to prioritize, what's working or not working, what engagement activities to increase etc.

Who uses Sales Coaching Software?

Sales Coaching software is mainly used by sales teams. The following stakeholders use this software for different applications.

Sales Leaders/Managers

Sales leaders are mainly concerned with their sales team performance and win rates. Coaching software gives them good visibility into deals related activities and sales conversations. This helps them identify winning behavior and practices and they can make them repeatable across the sales team. Having consistent messaging, how the product is spoken about or positioned is critical to leaders. These software help review the sales calls and can help establish standardized sales processes and messaging across teams.

Sales Reps

Depending on the software, sales reps can focus on conversations and the software transcribes meetings for them and prompts them on the next steps. These tools also allow managers to review and give feedback to peer calls and videos which help them improve their performance.

Channels used by Sales Coaching software

Sales coaching tools are internal-facing tools (except the ones which record customer conversations). Hence they can be used across sales channels (phone, video, email, SMS, etc) reps use to reach the customer.

Phone Calls

Some coaching software is primarily designed to record the customer conversations, take notes and transcribe them. Some even give live coaching tips during the calls.


Some coaching software allows for recording videos of sales employees to practice sales situations and role-plays (This software is not customer-facing). Both software allows for sales reps and managers to give feedback to sales reps on calls and videos.

Email and text are also used.

Why is Sales Coaching Important?

Improve Sales Performance / Quota Attainment

Research suggests that quality coaching can improve long term sales performance by over 19%. Furthermore, companies that have implemented a formalized coaching program saw an increase in win rate by 12% in just 6 months.

Why is Sales Coaching Important?

Sales coaching software arms sales managers with recordings of sales conversations with customers or role-play - practice videos that they can use to coach reps. The software can analyze these calls/videos and score them on desired parameters. Based on these scores, managers can directly look at the ones in which reps need the most help. They can evaluate reps on multiple parameters beyond what software does and identify their improvement areas and train them to get better. Thus training can be personalized and helps improve the performance of each sales rep which ultimately translates to high quota attainment. Some sales software understand your sales conversation with your customers and suggest the next steps to be taken to improve the closing rate for the deal.

Increase Revenue

Study shows that sales reps who get at least 3 hours of good sales coaching per month exceed goals by 7%, increase revenue by 7% and increase close rates by 70%.

Coaching software can identify high-risk deals looking at sales calls or videos of the sales rep. Getting early signals into this information really gives leverage to the sales manager to take corrective action. Coaching software mainly targets the middle 60% of the sales guys and helps them improve their performance. The software helps to identify best practices of A sales guys and help replicate them to other members of the sales team (middle 60%). Once these middle 60% gets trained and regularly coached, the performance of the entire sales team goes and it directly translates to increased revenue.

Shorten Onboarding Time

Xactly Insights data shows that rep performance peaks between 2-3 years in a role.

This software helps create a library of best practices that your best sales reps use to close their deals. These practices then can be used to train and onboard new reps (effectively cloning your A players) thus reducing their ramp-up times. Thus coaching software can help your sales reps to peak earlier.

We also love the Library feature where we can store calls in the library to improve and speed up ramp time for team members.


Devin C

Sales Ops and Enablement Manager

Consistent Sales Process and Messaging

Managers have direct visibility in sales conversations and activities. They can understand how the product is being spoken about and positioned to the customer. This helps them set standard sales processes and deliver consistent messages to their customers, across the sales teams and geographies.

Benefits of Sales Coaching

Benefits of Sales Coaching

Coach Sales Reps

According to HubSpot, one of the top reasons sales reps leave their job is a lack of career development and education opportunities. In fact, OMG's data consistently shows that sales managers aren't spending enough time coaching their salespeople and when they do, the coaching is weak.

Sales coaching is the process by which the sales managers give actionable feedback to sales reps to meet quota. Coaching helps in continuous improvement in the performance of the workforce. This software enables recording customer calls, video role plays, tests and assessments or pipeline performance. The software auto scores these calls/videos on various dimensions and prioritizes them. Listening to these calls/videos enable sales managers to give coaching inputs to sales reps on dimensions they need to improve.

Sales managers believe they are not the best coaches and do not have the necessary data to coach the sales employees. This software overcomes the data barrier and gives managers all data and tools to help coach sales reps.

I use Zoom so it's important that the person I'm meeting with sees that I'm engaged and not busy looking away, taking notes and half-heartedly paying attention to what they're saying. As a newer rep, I'm also able to send links to my manager so if he's not available to join my meetings, I can still get coaching AND I can also self-coach


Kaley H

Account Executive

Improve Sales Reviews/Feedback

Having recordings of customer call conversations is extremely insightful as it provides direct insights into what happened in the sales call. This can be used to identify winning behaviors, learn about why deals are won/lost, etc. All these set the basis for having reviews based on data that were previously done based on outcomes without any details of conversations. Identifying coaching and improvement areas becomes incredibly easy with these tools. Sales reviews can now be more structured, data-backed and actionable. All conversations can be reviewed by managers and peers. Each salesperson has a unique style, and these software help managers to give personalized feedback to each one of them.

I also like that I can leave feedback on different areas of the call because that has helped my skills improve and improved the quality of my call reviews with my manager


Julia R

Digital Sales Representative

Improve Sales Training and Onboarding

Sales coaching tools help managers create a library of best practices calls and videos that are used by the best sales reps to close deals faster. These past conversations/videos can be used for learning about the product, client, customer, and sales situations. This helps new reps ramp up faster and hit the ground as soon as possible. They can also have the best responses for objection handling and exception cases which can be used to train reps for such cases.

Sales Manager Coaching Resistance

Sales Managers usually complain that they don't have the necessary skills or the data to coach the sales reps. This software gives them all the data they need about the sales rep, his activities, his call, his clients and their preferences, etc. The software scores calls and videos and identifies improvement areas. Thus it removes major hurdles that prevent managers from being good coaches.

How is AI used in Sales Coaching Software?

Conversation Intelligence

Conversation Intelligence software uses machine learning capabilities to analyze sales calls and give insights that help close deals faster. This software has capabilities such as call recording, call transcription, keyword searching in calls, call analytics, etc. Some of them use AI for live coaching i.e. to give live tips to reps based on what is being spoken about in the calls. AI can identify who is talking (rep or customer) when competitors are being mentioned, and cross-sell up-sell opportunities. These capabilities allow the sales guy to focus on the customer and they handle the chores of taking meeting notes, sending follow up emails, etc.

You can also train the tool to listen for certain words or phrases and then surface them (i.e. competitors)


Jon B

Account Executive

Video Practice and Role-Play

This software has unique capabilities that allow sales managers to give role-play assignments and tasks to sales reps, sales reps to record their videos and share it with their manager, and peers to review/give feedback to videos. Some of them also have conversation intelligence capabilities on top of audio of these videos. AI can score these videos based on predefined parameters which have the sales manager to give personalized feedback to each rep.

Sharing feedback and comments is also super easy and I love that you can comment right at a specific time on a video rather than having to wait till the end of the recording.


Brooke W

Senior Account Executive

Sales Activity

Some coaching software uses AI to record auto-capture sales activities and auto-update them into the CRM. They help visualize sales activities at the deal level and help prioritize deals to improve close rates.

Uniqueness in Sales Coaching Software

  • Most software in this space differentiates themselves on technology. Especially the way they use AI in what tasks it can automate and how well it can do it (accuracy). The use of AI and ML are big differentiators in this space esp for call transcription and analytics. For call transcription, the accuracy of transcription and the number of languages supported are key.
  • Also the integrations the software offers can make a big difference depending on the requirements of the company. For example - call coaching software, integrations with all major web conference solutions, CRMs, dialers, Calendars, Email, etc becomes critical.

Sometimes some software is designed for a particular vertical. For example, Allego is mainly meant for financial, life sciences and high tech industries; Voiceops for lending, insurance, travel, etc

  • Finally, the latest upcoming differentiator is Live coaching i.e. the ability of the software to coach the sales rep while being on a sales call.
  • Lots of new solutions are coming to the market these days and enabling coaching in novel ways like cien profiles reps based on selling behavior and identifies individual attributes to mentor on. Or Bizmind studies the profile of your client and gives reps individual client attributes so that selling to him becomes easier.

How to Choose Right Sales Coaching Software

Size of Sales Team

A larger team size or enterprise-level deployment asks for very different capabilities of the software as opposed to SME ones. One key difference is enterprise software needs to have low security and privacy risks, clear data ownership and transfer and high uptime.

Also, any sales team which has very few top performers and a large middle (average skill, average motivation) is ideally suited for sales coaching software. Sales Coaching software is particularly useful when the company is mid-market/enterprise and has a big sales team (>10 members) where the manager is not able to give individual attention to sales reps.

Channel Type

Your coaching software depends heavily on the way you reach your customers. If your sales process depends heavily on inside sales, call recording solutions will suit you the best whereas if you do a lot of face to face selling, video solutions would be better. Some solutions train you to train on writing emails, texts, etc.


Sales coaching software can be used by any industry and evidence suggests that it is primarily used by the technology industry. It can be used by companies of all sizes (small to enterprise). Some software is specifically designed to meet the specific needs of users in certain industries and that means that the software already understands the industry/role specific jargon of the user. For example - Voiceops is customized for travel, insurance, and lending industries. It can identify specific terminologies and competitors particular to those industries like loans, debt, equity, auto insurance, etc

Point Product vs Horizontal Solution

Pointed solutions include software that is meant/designed for sales coaching like Chorus, Gong, Allego ,Balto, etc. However, horizontal solutions offer sales coaching as an additional feature. For example - outbound call dialers like SalesLoft are mainly meant for sales engagement over phone and email, but they can record the phone conversations and these recordings can be used for coaching as well. Pipeline analytics solutions like topopps are mainly used for forecasting, pipeline visibility. They can also be used for coaching reps to prioritize deals, refine deal engagement strategy, etc.

Business Goals

Although every coaching solution boosts sales performance, and ultimately revenue, only a few of them help improve messaging and sales pitches of your products. For example, coaching tools based on sales activity don’t help, you improve messaging while call recording and video recording ones do.


Integrations with other tools increase the value that you can derive from these coaching tools.

Coaching based on Call recordings

This software has to integrate with your web conferencing solution to record sales conversations and also with your CRM to get their contacts so that it can auto-follow up with customers.

Coaching based on Sales Activity

For AI to auto-update your CRM with all your sales activity, these solutions will need integration with your email, calendar, phone, SMS etc so that it can scan all your touchpoints and keep your CRM up to date.

Challenges in Adopting Sales Coaching Software

Privacy and Security

The biggest issues that users face while using some of the sales coaching software (the ones which record conversations) are privacy concerns from clients. Clients have reported discomfort over some bot listening to the sales call (especially early in the sales cycle) as sometimes company level-sensitive details are discussed over these calls.

Coaching Time

While sales managers agree with the importance of coaching, one of the common complaints of sales managers is that they do not have time or the data to coach their reps. Thes software helps with the data part but does very little to help sales managers free up their schedule to coach reps.

It does not take much effort to set it up and start using this software unless there are a lot of customizations and integrations needed. Organizations start seeing time to value as early as one month and for enterprises, it can go up to 2-3 months as well.

Which of these 64 Sales Coaching software fit your needs?

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64 Sales Coaching Software

Mediafly Coach360 (formerly ExecVision)

Conversation intelligence platform purpose-built to drive human behavior change


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Mediafly Coach360 (formerly ExecVision) Icon

Mediafly Coach360 (formerly ExecVision)

Conversation intelligence platform purpose-built to drive human behavior change

Mediafly Coach360 (formerly ExecVision) is a conversation intelligence platform that drives human behavior change. It provides valuable insights from conversations that helps in better decision-making and improving sales performance. It is used for sales coaching and training.

Top Business Usecases : Call coaching,Sales call management,Call transcription
Top Features : Recording,Conversation Intelligence,Voice transcription
Mediafly Coach360 (formerly ExecVision) Icon

Vendor: Mediafly

Company Size: 501-1000

HQ Location: 150 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60601, US

Financials: PRIVATE


Sales Performance Management Software to streamline and automate workflows.


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d!NK Icon


Sales Performance Management Software to streamline and automate workflows.

d!NK is a Sales Performance Management Software. d!nk helps companies to transform their sales processes from inside-out focus and administrative ping-pong into customer-centric and streamlined flow-through processes.

Top Business Usecases : Contact center performance management,Content management,Sales rep engagement
Top Features : Widgets,Calculator,Feedback surveys
d!NK Icon

Vendor: d!NK

Company Size: 11-50

HQ Location: Avenue Louise 54, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium

Financials: SEED


AI sales coach to drive productive behaviors and improve performance of sales teams


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worxogo Icon


AI sales coach to drive productive behaviors and improve performance of sales teams

worxogo is a solution for using behaviour design and AI to build a high performance workforce in the Field Force, Inside Sales or Back office teams. It can be deployed in enterprises across the industry.

Top Business Usecases : Behavioral coaching,Sales rep engagement,Rep engagement
Top Features : Personalized nudges and rep feedback,Dashboard,Recording
worxogo Icon

Vendor: worxogo

Company Size: 51-100

HQ Location: 303, Ashoka Terrace, Second floor, 100ft Road, Indira Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka 560038, IN

Financials: SERIES A

Oreka TR

Total Call Recorder -


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Oreka TR Icon

Oreka TR

Total Call Recorder -
Top Business Usecases : Sales call management,Call recording,Helpdesk management
Top Features : Recording,Live monitoring,Personalization
Oreka TR Icon

Vendor: OrecX

Company Size: 11-50

HQ Location: 1 North Lasalle, Suite 1375, Chicago, IL 60602, US

Financials: PRIVATE


The Revenue Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Platform to automate workflow providing real-time insights


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Troops Icon


The Revenue Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Platform to automate workflow providing real-time insights

Troops is a Salesforce automation platform for managing sales, accounts and customer services used by sales teams, account executives, customer success teams and business owners, to increase revenues.

Top Business Usecases : Workflow management,Collaboration,Sales rep engagement
Top Features : Alerts: popups & Notifications,Personalization,Recording
Troops Icon

Vendor: Troops

Company Size: 11-50

Financials: SERIES B


Best Call Recording Software | Advanced Call ...


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CallN Icon


Best Call Recording Software | Advanced Call ...
Top Business Usecases : Sales call management,Call recording,Helpdesk management
Top Features : Recording,Voice transcription,Dashboard
CallN Icon

Vendor: CallN

Company Size: 11-50

HQ Location: 350A Douglas Parade Newport, VIC 3015, AU

Financials: PRIVATE


Sales Productivity Platform to drive sales contests, sales learning and sales coaching for remote sales teams.


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SmartWinnr Icon


Sales Productivity Platform to drive sales contests, sales learning and sales coaching for remote sales teams.

SmartWinnr is a software as a service based gamification platform for sales teams to increase sales and maintain compliance.

Top Business Usecases : Customer feedback management,Measuring customer satisfaction,Sales coaching
Top Features : Gamification,Contests/quizes,Leaderboards
SmartWinnr Icon

Vendor: SmartWinnr

Company Size: 11-50

HQ Location: Walnut, California

Financials: PRIVATE

Showpad Coach

Sales coaching and training software that enables sales team to Onboard


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Showpad Coach Icon

Showpad Coach

Sales coaching and training software that enables sales team to Onboard

Showpad Coach is a a sales coaching and training software tool for sales managers to help new sales employees (such as field sales, sales enablement and inside sales reps), perform their task effectively and increase the revenue.

Top Business Usecases : Training & onboarding,Sales coaching,Sales rep engagement
Top Features : Recording,Personalization,Dashboard
Showpad Coach Icon

Vendor: Showpad

Founded: 2011

Company Size: 251-500

HQ Location: Moutstraat 62 9000 Ghent Belgium

Financials: SERIES D


Real-Time Guidance for contact centers to increase conversions, deliver a world-class customer experience.


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Balto Icon


Real-Time Guidance for contact centers to increase conversions, deliver a world-class customer experience.

Balto is a real-time call guidance software designed for the sales teams to help drive sales and enhance revenue via improved communication. The software performs speech analytics on the calls and sends alerts with the right content that can be communicated live on the calls.

Top Business Usecases : Sales coaching,Sales call management,Contact center performance management
Top Features : Alerts: popups & Notifications,Dashboard,Recording
Balto Icon

Vendor: Balto

Company Size: 11-50

Financials: SERIES B


Corporate Training Platform & LMS that turns training into revenue


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Raven360 Icon


Corporate Training Platform & LMS that turns training into revenue

Raven360 is a corporate learning management platform focused on training customers, vendor partners and employees. This helps to onboard sales faster and increase revenue.

Top Business Usecases : Sales rep engagement,Training & onboarding,Rep engagement
Top Features : Personalization
Raven360 Icon

Vendor: Raven360

Company Size: 51-200

HQ Location: 2 Mount Royal Avenue, Suite 325, Marlborough, MA 01752

Financials: SERIES B


Richardson Sales Training Company - Sales Training ...


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Richardson Icon


Richardson Sales Training Company - Sales Training ...
Top Business Usecases : Engagement management,Training & onboarding,Coaching
Top Features : Personalization,Feedback surveys,Recording
Richardson Icon

Vendor: Richardson

Company Size: 51-100

HQ Location: 1818 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, US

Financials: M&A


The video hub to find and replay anything, anywhere


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Praiz Icon


The video hub to find and replay anything, anywhere

Easily find, manage and replay all your business meetings in one place.

Top Business Usecases : Coaching,Collaboration,Content management
Top Features : Recording
Praiz Icon

Vendor: Praiz

Company Size: 1-10

HQ Location: Paris, FR

Financials: PRIVATE


Revenue Intelligence Platform to coach sales reps


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Gong Icon


Revenue Intelligence Platform to coach sales reps

Gong is a revenue intelligence platform that sales managers use to coach their sales reps.

Top Business Usecases : Sales call management,Call coaching,Deal analytics & insights
Top Features : Recording,Voice transcription,Alerts: popups & Notifications
Gong Icon

Vendor: Gong

Founded: 2015

Company Size: 101-250

HQ Location: 814 Mission St, Floor 4 San Francisco, CA 94103

Financials: SERIES E


A revenue intelligence platform and collaboration software for remote sales teams


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Jiminny Icon


A revenue intelligence platform and collaboration software for remote sales teams

Jiminny is the platform for all customer conversations using automation and AI to help sales team grow and develop. It is developed for the sales team of any company to reach their goals and grow.

Top Business Usecases : Coaching,Sales call management,Call recording
Top Features : Recording,Personalization,Conversation Intelligence
Jiminny Icon

Vendor: Jiminny

Founded: 2016

Company Size: 51-100

HQ Location: 315 W 36th Street 5th Floor New York NY 10018

Financials: SERIES A


Sales Training Software to accelerate ramp time and improve performance using data-driven readiness


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MindTickle Icon


Sales Training Software to accelerate ramp time and improve performance using data-driven readiness

MindTickle is a sales coaching and training software that helps in sales-readiness.

Top Business Usecases : Training & onboarding,Sales coaching,Courses & assessment
Top Features : Microlearning,Gamification,Skill certification
MindTickle Icon

Vendor: MindTickle

Founded: 2011

Company Size: 101-250

HQ Location: 115 Sansome St. Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94104

Financials: SERIES E


Training, enablement, and coaching software for better results


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Lessonly Icon


Training, enablement, and coaching software for better results

Lessonly is a LMS software that is used by Customer Service, Sales and L&D functions in a company.

Top Business Usecases : Training & onboarding,Engagement management,Engaging and following up
Top Features : Personalization,Gamification,Contests/quizes
Lessonly Icon

Vendor: Seismic

Founded: 2010

Company Size: 1001-5000

HQ Location: 12770 El Camino Real Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92130

Financials: SERIES G


Performance Enablement Platform (PEP) drives the success of each and every individual at scale


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Rallyware Icon


Performance Enablement Platform (PEP) drives the success of each and every individual at scale

Rallyware is a performance [workforce] engagement platform, which is used by various companies and individuals providing them with right learning and business activity tools to achieve their key business goals.

Top Business Usecases : Engagement management,Engaging and following up,Training & onboarding
Top Features : Gamification,Personalization,Dashboard
Rallyware Icon

Vendor: Rallyware

Company Size: 51-100

HQ Location: 650 Castro St, Mountain View, CA 94041, US

Financials: PRIVATE

Membrain CRM

Sales Enablement CRM for B2B Sales


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Membrain CRM Icon

Membrain CRM

Sales Enablement CRM for B2B Sales

Membrain is a Sales Enablement CRM built for B2B sales teams enabling execution on Sales strategy and build processes for deal winning behaviours.

Top Business Usecases : Coaching,Engagement management,Engaging and following up
Top Features : Recording,Dashboard,Personalization
Membrain CRM Icon

Vendor: Membrain

Founded: 2012

Company Size: 11-50

HQ Location: Industriv. 17, 171 48 Solna, Sweden.

Financials: PRIVATE


AI coaching and training platform for call centers


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VoiceOps Icon


AI coaching and training platform for call centers

VoiceOps is an AI Coaching and Training platform for call centers usable in industries such as Insurance, Travel and Lending, where call-center performance needs to be enhanced within a short period of time.

Top Business Usecases : Sales coaching,Contact center performance management,Sales call management
Top Features : Recording,Voice transcription
VoiceOps Icon

Vendor: VoiceOps

Company Size: 11-50

Financials: SERIES A

The complete AI-powered RevOps platform that delivers real-time guidance


Read Reviews Icon

The complete AI-powered RevOps platform that delivers real-time guidance is an AI-powered RevOps platform that optimizes revenue performance and provides real-time guidance so teams can address the complex needs of buyers. It helps clients by surfacing and recommending what works best for every member of their team, delivering predictable results and optimizing the entire revenue operation

Top Business Usecases : Sales call management,Call recording,Call transcription
Top Features : Recording,SEM,Conversation Intelligence Icon


Founded: 2012

Company Size: 51-100

HQ Location: 15000 Ventura Boulevard #200 Sherman Oaks, California 91403

Financials: PRIVATE

WorkRamp Training Software

Training Software that helps companies increase revenue and improve customer satisfaction


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WorkRamp Training Software Icon

WorkRamp Training Software

Training Software that helps companies increase revenue and improve customer satisfaction

Workramp is an Enterprise Learning management system for customers and employees. It can be used in Enterprises by Sales and Customer support teams for training of customers and employees.

Top Business Usecases : Training & onboarding,Contact center performance management,Sales rep engagement
Top Features : Personalization,Dashboard,Templates
WorkRamp Training Software Icon

Vendor: Workramp

Founded: 2015

Company Size: 11-50

HQ Location: San Francisco, California 94107, US

Financials: SERIES C


Sales Enablement Through Video Playbooks


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Sales Enablement Through Video Playbooks

vPlaybook is a sales enablement platform for sales, marketing teams to increase sales performance, enhance customer engagement and increase revenue.

Top Business Usecases : Playbook creation,Engagement management,Engaging and following up
vPlaybook Icon

Vendor: DSG Consulting

Company Size: 11-50

HQ Location: Little Rock, AR

Financials: PRIVATE - Revenue Intelligence Platform for Customer success, Sales & marketing


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★★★★★ - Revenue Intelligence Platform for Customer success, Sales & marketing

SalesDirector is AI based sales and marketing software tool. It provides solutions for Sales, Marketing, Customer’s Success and CRM data entry.

Top Business Usecases : Forecasting,Engagement management,Coaching
Top Features : Capture information,Recording,Capture activity Icon


Company Size: 11-50

HQ Location: Irvine, CA 92620, US

Financials: PRIVATE

Chorus by ZoomInfo

Conversation Intelligence Platform for Sales to drive team performance


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Chorus by ZoomInfo

Conversation Intelligence Platform for Sales to drive team performance

Chorus by ZoomInfo is the leading Conversation Intelligence platform for sales teams (reps and managers both use Chorus).

Top Business Usecases : Sales coaching,Sales rep engagement,Rep engagement
Top Features : Recording,Voice transcription,Alerts: popups & Notifications
Chorus by ZoomInfo Icon

Vendor: Zoominfo

Founded: 2000

Company Size: 1001-5000

HQ Location: Vancouver, WA

Financials: PRIVATE