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Customer Feedback Management Software 2024: Complete Guide

Customer feedback management (CFM) is the process of collecting and processing feedback into actionable insights and then leveraging them to deliver better products, services, and experiences.
When customer trouble tickets surge, that’s customer feedback. When you collect opinions in a customer focus group, that is customer feedback, too. How to use that data to improve your deliverables is CFM.

What is the right solution for you depends on your business context and needs. Let us help you firm up your needs and find you the right-fit solutions. Get your personalized assessment report now!

Updated By Cuspera

Last updated: Jan 31, 2024

Best NPS Survey Platforms

Net Promoter Score is a measure used to gauge customer satisfaction, loyalty and willingness of the customer to recommend a company's products and services. Continuous feedback loop across customer lifecycle and across all touchpoints is important to grow the revenue and NPS is the best barometer for this. This is where NPS Survey Tools and Platforms play a critical role in collecting customer feedback, decoding customer loyalty insights across touchpoints and uncover insight from customer sentiments and preferences.

Measuring Net Promoter Score is crucial and it is no longer about simple question and answer surveys. NPS survey platforms have evolved greatly to measure customer satisfaction at various points in the customer lifecycle and also across all channels like email, chatbots and messaging apps, text or SMS, mobile, native apps, offline surveys and more. Using NPS platforms businesses can

  • Create dynamic lists and segment customers based on any criteria like loyalty or risk
  • Identify unsatisfied and at-risk customers
  • Benchmark against industry and competitor scores
  • Initiate follow up questions and emails, for additional information with unsatisfied customers
  • Uncover customer loyalty drivers
  • Monitor improvements in products, services and across the entire customer journey

NPS has become a precursor to initiate and drive customer experience improvement programs.

We bring you a selection of the best NPS platforms that you can consider for your business.


Customer Experience Intelligence & Management Software to drive positive results for the brand with customer feedback


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InMoment Icon


Customer Experience Intelligence & Management Software to drive positive results for the brand with customer feedback

InMoment is a customer experience intelligence and management software specialized in experience intelligence (XI) that helps to drive positive results for the brand with customer feedback. It helps to establish thought leadership and enhance customer relationships.

InMoment XI Platform brings together intelligence from customers, employees, and the market to drive real, actionable, business value from the three clouds which are customer experience cloud, employee experience cloud, and market experience cloud. These deliver insights about business from the customer experience.

Some of the features of InMoment include multimedia feedback, survey experiences, integrations, dashboards and reporting, incorporating the voice of employees, and more.

(Inmoment acquires Wootric)


Irene Hogan

Senior Vice President and Director of Customer Experience

Associated Bank

InMoment Icon
Top Processes : Collecting feedback,Measuring net promoter score,Engaging conversational surveys
Top Features : Embedded survey forms,Dashboard,Personalization

Vendor: Inmoment

Founded: 2002

Company Size: 251-500

HQ Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. 10355 S. Jordan Gateway #600 South Jordan, Utah 84095

Financials: PRIVATE

Delighted platform

Customer feedback tool to gather actionable feedback from your customers


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Delighted platform Icon

Delighted platform

Customer feedback tool to gather actionable feedback from your customers

Delighted is a Customer feedback tool with Net Promoter System to gather real feedback from the customers. It helps to enhance customer relationships, scale best practices, and improve brand engagement.

Delighted helps to measure and improve customer loyalty, improve customer satisfaction and identify areas of improvement, effectiveness of customer support, gather ratings and insights from the customers and so on.

Its features include a survey experience to maximize the quality and quantity of customer feedback, gather feedback from the customers, reach the customers on the device in their pocket for instant feedback, gather feedback in any channel where customer interactions take place and more.


Faisal Al-khalidi



Delighted platform Icon
Top Processes : Collecting feedback,Measuring net promoter score,Engaging conversational surveys
Top Features : Embedded survey forms,Dashboard,Alerts: popups & Notifications

Vendor: Delighted

Company Size: 11-50

Financials: SEED


Customer feedback system to collect customer satisfaction data to improve the business


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Simplesat Icon


Customer feedback system to collect customer satisfaction data to improve the business

Simplesat is a Feedback Management tool that helps to collect immediate and honest customer satisfaction data and use it to improve the business and keep the team motivated. It helps to enhance customer relationships, improve visibility, and increase sales and revenue.

Simplesat supports understanding the customers feel, and how the team is performing. It also embeds CSAT surveys in closed ticket notifications, gather NPS (Net Promoter Score) feedback through quarterly emails, or send one-off surveys after a project is completed.

Some of its features include surveys that are customized, fun, intuitive, and unique to the brand and vision, embed directly to the existing email templates and workflows, send one-off or ongoing email surveys, and more.


Sandra Negrea

Customer Engagement Manager

Adore Me

Simplesat Icon
Top Processes : Collecting feedback,Measuring CSAT,Measuring net promoter score
Top Features : Embedded survey forms,Ticketing,Alerts: popups & Notifications

Vendor: Simplesat

Company Size: 11-50

HQ Location: 113 Cherry Street, Seattle, Washington 98104, US

Financials: PRIVATE

Best Free Survey Tools

Survey software is a dedicated tool to collect feedback from a sample target audience through online survey forms that provides actionable insights. Additionally, survey software makes it easy to collect and store data and provides comprehensive reports and analytics that helps in decision making.

Surveys can be used for a variety of purposes - customer satisfaction feedback, employee satisfaction feedback, market research, post event feedback, post training feedback, academic progress assessment to name a few. Survey tools provide a library of templates to run any kind of survey. Advanced survey platforms like SurveyMonkey, SurveySparrow provide capabilities like recurring surveys, white labeling, conversational forms, mobile first surveys to name a few.

One can use forms also to run surveys - TypeForm, Google Forms are good examples of such forms. Forms are more broad based and very generic in nature, but they include all features of a survey app like form builder, drop down lists, multiple choice questions and their primary focus is collection of data. Polls are a special type of survey, wherein it is limited to only one question.

Surveys apps help not only in collecting data but also to analyze data and give actionable insights. Survey apps come with support for pre-defined questions.

Most of the survey tools provide a free version which are great to use as a starting point. Most vendors provide free versions for personal use which is great for startups, educational institutions, research students and small businesses. Free versions are typically limited by number of questions, number of responses and number of surveys one can run in a month.

We bring you a selection of best free survey tools for your consideration.

Google Forms

Online Surveys to collect and organize information


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Google Forms Icon

Google Forms

Online Surveys to collect and organize information

Google Forms is a Free online Survey software that allows collecting information from users through surveys and are automatically entered into a spreadsheet. It creates a new survey from a variety of pre-made themes and edit it with others at the same time. It helps to enhance customer relationships, improve internal communications and acquire customers.

It creates a form as easily as creating a document, share forms with an email, a link, or a website, and connect with customers to gain valuable insights. Its real-time collaboration helps to create the form faster and analyses the results together without having to send around multiple versions of the file.

Key features of Google forms are custom forms, drag-and-drop, customize values, reorder questions, add images, videos, and custom logic, real-time response information, automatic summaries and more.


Justin Hiltz

Johnny Cupcakes

Google Forms Icon
Top Processes : Collecting feedback,Collaboration,Content management
Top Features : Embedded survey forms,Survey themes library,Personalization

Vendor: Google

Company Size: 10,001+

HQ Location: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, US

Financials: SERIES A


Online Survey Software to create and send surveys


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SurveyMonkey Icon


Online Survey Software to create and send surveys

SurveyMonkey is a cloud-based survey tool that helps users create, send and analyze surveys. It enables to ask pointed questions, get them to the right respondents and give insight from the data through accurate analysis.

SurveyMonkey helps users reduce data bias by using questions, page, block and order randomization. It provides users with multiple question types including video, matrix, rating, star, slider, A/B testing and ranking questions. Users can personalize the respondent experience with advanced survey logic, branching, question and page skip logic and advanced piping. Users can use survey templates or access question banks to prepare surveys.

SurveyMonkey allows users to customize their surveys by adding logos, themes and corporate colours. Users can run customer satisfaction surveys to get feedback on products and services, and they can send employee engagement surveys to understand employee satisfaction within the company. The tool allows users to send surveys and check on results from a mobile device.


Megan Nuttelman

Program Officer

The Summit Foundation

SurveyMonkey Icon
Top Processes : Collecting feedback,Engaging conversational surveys,Engaging and following up
Top Features : Embedded survey forms,Survey themes library,Personalization

Vendor: Surveymonkey

Founded: 1999

Company Size: 501-1000

HQ Location: 1 Curiosity Way San Mateo, California 94403 United States

Financials: PRIVATE


Software to build people-friendly forms and surveys


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Typeform Icon


Software to build people-friendly forms and surveys

Typeform is a software platform for building people-friendly forms and surveys, transforming questions into a conversational flow that ensures better responses and completion rates. It can be used by Sales and Marketing teams to attract new customers, by writers, designers and content creators, amongst others.

Typeform provides a sleek user interface that combines custom layouts and themes, and questions brought to life by photos and videos from the photo and video libraries provided with the software.

The question build-up is assisted by conditional logic which prompts for the right questions to be asked in the right sequence ensuring a conversational flow to the questionnaire. Forms can be built from the templates provided or custom built. Integrations are provided with all the popular business tools current, in addition to reports for tracking results.


Johnny Rodgers

Product Architect


Typeform Icon
Top Processes : Improve customer experience by collecting feedback,Acquire customers by online contact form,Engaging conversational surveys
Top Features : Embedded survey forms,Personalization,Survey themes library

Vendor: Typeform

Founded: 2012

Company Size: 101-250

HQ Location: Barcelona

Financials: SERIES B

What is Customer Feedback Management?

Customer Feedback Management

Feedback Management is a structured process of collecting feedback from customers, users, employees, vendors, partners or any specific panel group and analyzing, and taking action on the feedback. Customer Feedback Management involves collecting feedback from customers and acting on the feedback by incorporating appropriate changes to the product or services or operational processes. This is expected to result in the improvement of overall customer satisfaction.

Customer feedback management involves dealing with different types of feedback like complaints, opinions, bugs, feature requests, and overall experiential feedback. The feedback can be collected through various channels such as emails, surveys, social media, and live chat. Companies which run Voice of Customer programs to improve customer experience often rely on customer feedback management systems.

Ask your customers to be part of the solution, and don't view them as part of the problem.


Alan Weiss

Author of “Million Dollar Consulting”

Enterprise Feedback Management involves centralized management of organizational processes to collect and manage feedback.

Employee Feedback Management is focused on collecting feedback from employees to gauge employees’ happiness, understand their job satisfaction, or analyze the impact of workplace-climate. This helps to elevate employee experience, build a great work culture and boost employee productivity. Employee Feedback Management systems are a key part of Voice of Workforce surveys run by companies.

What is Customer Feedback Management Software?

Customer Feedback Management software comprises a set of tools that help to manage customer feedback to collect different types of feedback over different types of channels. Since there is a wide variety of feedback, the software category consists of a varied number of tools and platforms that can support simple sets of forms to comprehensive experience management platforms. First it is important to understand the important set of metrics that the software is generally used to measure.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a key metric that indicates how likely a customer would recommend your brand to their friends and acquaintances. It helps to give a long term view and brand loyalty towards the product and services. This is a key metric that is used by many leading organizations. NPS can be further differentiated as cNPS ( customer NPS) and eNPS (employee NPS).

We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.


Bill Gates

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) is an important metric that is used to measure customer’s experience in using the product and services. It can be further divided into customer satisfaction which is more service related and product satisfaction which is related to product related experience. CSAT is more transactional in nature and provides a short term view related to specific events and deliverables.

Customer Effort Score (CES) is a measure of ease of use which the customer experiences in using the product and services with the organization. This is a good metric to track to ensure stickiness of customers.

The mechanisms through which the feedback can be solicited are described here.

Online Surveys

Surveys are the most popular forms of feedback collection. Surveys tools are generally omni-channel and can be initiated, shared and distributed through many channels like web, mobile app, social channels and emails. This survey could consist of a set of questions that could be readymade or customized, single vs multiple choice, pointed or open ended. For instance, the survey could be based on NPS, CSAT, CES and so on depending on the need of the business situation. Many online survey platforms make it very easy for users to create surveys.

Online Polls

The use of online polls is another quick way to obtain customer opinion in a short period of time. These are typically pointed questions with only a few options to answer. It gives an on-the-spot view of the customer's thought process. Online polls can be used in a variety of situations and for varied types of audiences.

Online Forms

Online forms, also known as web forms, are very simplistic in nature to collect any type of information - address, contact information and any user input. It can easily use any simple feedback from users.

Offline Surveys

Many of the popular survey tools provide an option where surveys can be created using online surveys and the responses can be collected in offline fashion without the internet. With the help of a mobile device, the offline survey software or tool collects survey responses without an internet connection.

Benefits of Customer Feedback Management Software

Improve Customer Experience

Providing superior experience to customers at all the touch points ensures that overall customer experience is great and hence it improves customer stickiness and loyalty. Customer Feedback Management helps to collect feedback at all touch points in a focused and contextual manner, and when this feedback is acted upon, it helps in improving the overall customer experience.

Every contact we have with a customer influences whether or not they’ll come back. We have to be great every time or we’ll lose them.


Kevin Stirtz


Improve Employee Productivity

Employee Feedback Management systems provide ability to collect 340 degree feedback and assessments and provide omnidirectional feedback. This helps organizations to provide data driven feedback to their employees which helps to improve their productivity.

Improve Retention

Feedback Management software helps organizations in retaining employees and customers. The feedback collected from employees and customers become more effective only when they are actionable. The software provides rich reports and insights which help companies to act on the feedback received.

Improve Employee Experience

Feedback Management software plays an important role in collecting feedback in Voice of Workforce programs. This helps to collect feedback about the factors that impact employee morale, satisfaction and provides a framework for organizations to act on them. This helps in creating an overall positive impact and improves connect with employees, thereby resulting in greater employee engagement.

Measure Customer Satisfaction

Customer Feedback Management helps in collecting feedback in a rating based manner on all important parameters related to customer satisfaction. Some of the specialized NPS survey platforms like Wootric, AskNicely, SurveySparrow, Qualtrics provide ready to use templates and themes to create and run NPS specific surveys.

Improve Product Experience

Getting customer input to improve product functionality, usability and overall experience is very important. Feedback Management software helps in a great deal to collect feedback in a structured manner from all channels. Combining this effort with market research activities enable companies to draw up product roadmaps that are setup for success. Feedback Management software is also used extensively in conducting market research activities.

I think it’s very important to have a feedback loop, where you’re constantly thinking about what you’ve done and how you could be doing it better.


Elon Musk

Which Industries Use Feedback Management Software?

Feedback Management Software is used in a variety of industries for different purposes.

In the Healthcare Industry, it is used to collect patient feedback. The feedback can be related to hospital services, consultation, surgery or any post treatment feedback. The agencies use this to get feedback about client interaction and engagement. In the education sector, teachers, students and education professionals can use surveys to improve academic performance and outcome. By assessing the instructors proactively, school boards and administrators can boost student engagement and the quality of education consistently. In the hospitality and travel industry, it is used to collect guest feedback and online reviews.

Employee feedback software is used in almost every industry segment. Also industries which need to do market research activities depend on feedback management software. Almost every consumer facing industry uses a feedback management system to gather customer feedback.

Key Features of Customer Feedback Management Software

Survey Builder

Survey Tools support survey builder which helps users to create surveys in an intuitive manner leveraging survey themes and template library. Once a survey is created, it should be possible to integrate it with internal systems and share the results. Surveys can be distributed and shared easily across many supported channels like email, web, mobile and social media. Surveys can be scheduled and recurring surveys can be set up too.

Survey tools provide a very high degree of customization for color palette, font, button and many more and also support CSS customization.

Conversational Surveys

Conversational surveys are more informal, friendly and shorter in length. These surveys are made more engaging to users through a mix of images, texts, buttons, video and audio files. Conversational surveys deliver a more casual, engaging and enjoyable way for consumers to share their feedback quickly. This approach eliminates any barriers users might have and increases the success rate of surveys to collect insights needed to improve the overall user experience.

Omnichannel Surveys

Surveys can be created for any specific channel like mobile only or web only or can be created for omnichannel experience. Some platforms like SurveySparrow and Medallia support video surveys which tend to have 82% positive impact on human mind and success rate is expected to be higher.

Surveys can be embedded in the web pages for seamless experience. Many of the survey platforms provide white label support for organizations to customize as per their preferences.

Signal Capture

Feedback is not limited to surveys and polls. They are available in different unstructured formats. Advanced feedback management platforms like Medallia provide the ability to capture signals from a variety of sources like SMS, messaging, in-app, voice interactions, IoT devices to name a few. Social listening is a rich source of feedback.

Centralized Storage

It is important to store customer feedback from all sources in one single place and analyze to get the overall picture. The platform should have the ability to gather and aggregate data from popular platforms like social channels, Slack, Intercom, Drift, survey tools to name a few. This helps to get actionable insights and work on a meaningful action plan to close the loop.

Dashboard and Reports

Feedback results can be analyzed using a wide variety of reports that are readymade as well as customizable. Real Time Dashboards and associated alerts help in tracking feedback and taking actions appropriately.


Analytics and the more sophisticated intelligence provided become key differentiators for feedback management platforms. Text analytics help convert textual data captured from multiple sources to actionable insights. More advanced analytics around customer experience involve complete understanding of each customer experience with the brand. This helps in delivering more personalized experiences. Analytics can help spot patterns and uncover the most pressing issues customers report across channels.

AI in Feedback Management Software

AI plays an important role in Feedback Management Software to make it more effective. Since there is a large amount of data collected, both structured and unstructured, analyzing and getting meaningful insight manually is a tedious task. This is where AI helps.

Using sentiment analysis, the software can detect positive and negative feedback patterns and identify actions needed to improve.

AI is used to automate high-effort, high-impact tasks such as risk detection and suggestion mining. AI can help in identifying customers at risk of leaving, potential detractors, and others in need of immediate attention with greater accuracy than scores alone.

AI can be employed to create smart surveys where survey questions can be personalized based on customer journey.

How to Choose Right Customer Feedback Management Software

Business Use Cases

Feedback Management Software have a wide range of spectrum in terms of feature support. It is important to analyze your requirements before choosing the software. Do you want to create surveys and distribute through email and websites? Do you have a mobile first approach? Are you looking to capture qualitative or quantitative feedback? The size of your target user base - be it employees or customers is an important factor. If you are looking to measure customer loyalty over a period of time, you can choose NPS surveys. CSAT surveys help to understand how satisfied your customers are at various touchpoints. Are white labeling and customization important for you? It is good to detail out use cases and map it to features supported by the platform.


Feedback Management systems are never standalone and need to be integrated into internal systems like CRM, CDP and customer success management platforms. In case of employee feedback management, it needs to integrate with the company's HR systems. The software

should provide a robust API set for easy integration.


Feedback Management Software provides a number of pricing plans based on feature set, scale (number of users), use case ( NPS, CSAT, CES, employee assessment) and integrations to name a few. Depending on your organization’s needs and budget, you have to choose the plan that fits your needs. It is good to take advantage of free trials if available, before deciding on the final choice.

Data Sources

Customer feedback tools are not limited to only surveys and polls. If your customer ecosystem is complex, it is good to consider the ability to gather feedback from various sources like web,

chat, social media, voice interactions to name a few. Advanced customer feedback management platforms like Medallia provide the ability to capture signals from multiple sources.

Which of these 271 Customer Feedback Management software fit your needs?

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271 Customer Feedback Management Software


Online Survey Software to create and send surveys


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SurveyMonkey Icon


Online Survey Software to create and send surveys

SurveyMonkey is a cloud-based survey tool that helps users create, send and analyze surveys. It enables to ask pointed questions, get them to the right respondents and give insight from the data through accurate analysis.

Top Business Usecases : Collecting feedback,Engaging conversational surveys,Engaging and following up
Top Features : Embedded survey forms,Survey themes library,Personalization
SurveyMonkey Icon

Vendor: Surveymonkey

Founded: 1999

Company Size: 501-1000

HQ Location: 1 Curiosity Way San Mateo, California 94403 United States

Financials: PRIVATE

Google Forms

Online Surveys to collect and organize information


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Google Forms Icon

Google Forms

Online Surveys to collect and organize information

Google Forms is a Free online Survey software that allows collecting information from users through surveys and are automatically entered into a spreadsheet. It creates a new survey from a variety of pre-made themes and edit it with others at the same time. It helps to enhance customer relationships, improve internal communications and acquire customers.

Top Business Usecases : Collecting feedback,Collaboration,Content management
Top Features : Embedded survey forms,Survey themes library,Personalization
Google Forms Icon

Vendor: Google

Company Size: 10,001+

HQ Location: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, US

Financials: SERIES A


Survey, Research & Experience Management Software | Qualtrics


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Qualtrics Icon


Survey, Research & Experience Management Software | Qualtrics

Qualtrics is a Feedback Management platform that helps brands continually assess the quality of their four core experiences customers, brands, products, and employees experience insights in one place. It is designed to help businesses collect feedback from across multiple channels and improve the digital customer journey. It helps to decrease churn, increase customer lifetime value, attract and retain talent, increase engagement, improve productivity, reduce cost to serve, and more.

Top Business Usecases : Customer feedback management,Engagement management,Engaging and following up
Top Features : Feedback surveys,Personalization,Dashboard
Qualtrics Icon

Vendor: Qualtrics

Founded: 2002

Company Size: 1001-5000

HQ Location: 333 W River Park Dr Provo, Utah 84604

Financials: SERIES C

Qualtrics CoreXM

Experience Management Software to gather experience insights and take action


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Qualtrics CoreXM Icon

Qualtrics CoreXM

Experience Management Software to gather experience insights and take action

Qualtrics CoreXM is a survey management tool that provides a single platform for data collection and analysis across every part of business, from customer feedback data to product concept analysis. It is designed to help organizations generate sales insights and optimize product prices through analysis of customer experiences in real-time.

Top Business Usecases : Collecting feedback,Engaging conversational surveys,Helpdesk management
Top Features : Embedded survey forms,Dashboard,Personalization
Qualtrics CoreXM Icon

Vendor: Qualtrics

Founded: 2002

Company Size: 1001-5000

HQ Location: 333 W River Park Dr Provo, Utah 84604

Financials: SERIES C

Alchemer Enterprise Feedback Management Platform

Online Survey Software that helps you transform to a truly customer-centric organization


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Alchemer Enterprise Feedback Management Platform Icon

Alchemer Enterprise Feedback Management Platform

Online Survey Software that helps you transform to a truly customer-centric organization

The Alchemer Enterprise Feedback Management Platform helps businesses to collect feedback and deliver better experiences for the customers. Alchemer is designed for those who have outgrown SurveyMonkey and feel overcharged by Qualtrics. It's an easy-to-use, easy-to-implement platform, and leads the industry in speed-to-value and flexibility, to start collecting insights on day one.

Top Business Usecases : Collecting feedback,Engaging conversational surveys,Engaging and following up
Top Features : Embedded survey forms,Personalization,Survey themes library
Alchemer Enterprise Feedback Management Platform Icon

Vendor: Alchemer

Founded: 2006

Company Size: 51-100

HQ Location: 168 Centennial Parkway Unit #250 Louisville, CO 80027

Financials: SEED

Listen360 Customer Engagement Platform

Customer feedback tool to make products and services more meaningful to the customers you serve.


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Listen360 Customer Engagement Platform Icon

Listen360 Customer Engagement Platform

Customer feedback tool to make products and services more meaningful to the customers you serve.

Listen360 is a Customer Engagement Platform for use by Executives, Frontline teams, Marketing teams and Service teams across small, medium and large enterprises. It can be deployed in industries such as Health & Fitness, Franchises, Healthcare and Services.

Top Business Usecases : Collecting feedback,Engaging conversational surveys,Engaging and following up
Top Features : Personalization,Recording,Embedded survey forms
Listen360 Customer Engagement Platform Icon

Vendor: Listen360

Company Size: 11-50

HQ Location: 11625 Rainwater Drive, Suite 645, Alpharetta, GA 30009, US

Financials: PRIVATE


Customer Feedback tool to win on customer experience


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AskNicely Icon


Customer Feedback tool to win on customer experience

AskNicely is a customer experience platform that helps to measure every customer experience, motivate the frontline teams, increase repeat business and referrals. AskNicely helps to improve brand engagement, ROI, and enhance customer relationships.

Top Business Usecases : Collecting feedback,Measuring net promoter score,Engaging conversational surveys
Top Features : Embedded survey forms,Dashboard,Personalization
AskNicely Icon

Vendor: Asknicely

Founded: 2014

Company Size: 51-100

HQ Location: 1400 NW 22nd Avenue Suite 150 Portland Oregon 97209

Financials: SERIES B


Actionable survey data with advanced data management and enterprise online survey software


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Sogolytics Icon


Actionable survey data with advanced data management and enterprise online survey software

Sogolytics is a Comprehensive and Secure Experience Management Platform that creates surveys to measure employee engagement and customer experience, collect product feedback, and conduct market research. It helps to enhance customer relationships, and acquire customers.

Top Business Usecases : Customer feedback management,Engagement management,Engaging and following up
Top Features : Feedback surveys,Templates,Personalization
Sogolytics Icon

Vendor: Sogolytics

Founded: 2013

Company Size: 251-500

HQ Location: 2291 Wood Oak Drive, Suite 300, Herndon, VA 20171

Financials: PRIVATE

SurveySparrow Enterprise

SurveySparrow | Online Survey Platform


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SurveySparrow Enterprise Icon

SurveySparrow Enterprise

SurveySparrow | Online Survey Platform

SurveySparrow Enterprise Survey Software is a Feedback Management tool for a complete omnichannel experience management platform. It offers both conversational as well as a form-like output, increasing survey completion rates by 40%. SurveySparrow caters to businesses of all sizes, from SMBs to enterprises, helping them optimize their Customer Experience, Employee Experience, and User Experience processes. It helps to enhance customer relationships, scale best practices, and acquire customers.

Top Business Usecases : Collecting feedback,Engaging conversational surveys,Measuring net promoter score
Top Features : Embedded survey forms,Survey themes library,Personalization
SurveySparrow Enterprise Icon

Vendor: SurveySparrow

Company Size: 11-50

HQ Location: 340 S Lemon Ave #9091, Walnut, CA 91789, US

Financials: PRIVATE


Customer feedback software to collect customer feedback and improve the quality of services


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Nicereply Icon


Customer feedback software to collect customer feedback and improve the quality of services

Nicereply is a Customer Feedback Software that collects customer feedback and improves the quality of services. It measures customer satisfaction, net promoter score and customer effort score.

Top Business Usecases : Collecting feedback,Measuring CSAT,Measuring net promoter score
Top Features : Embedded survey forms,Ticketing,Dashboard
Nicereply Icon

Vendor: Nicereply

Founded: 2010

Company Size: 1-10

HQ Location: Štefanovi?ova 2971/8 Bratislava 811 04 Slovakia

Financials: PRIVATE

Zoho Survey

Survey Software to experience the craft of survey creation.


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Zoho Survey Icon

Zoho Survey

Survey Software to experience the craft of survey creation.

Zoho Survey is a Survey Software - online survey and questionnaire creation software to collect data for customer satisfaction, feedback, business and research.

Top Business Usecases : Collecting feedback,Engaging conversational surveys,Communication management
Top Features : Embedded survey forms,Survey themes library,Personalization
Zoho Survey Icon

Vendor: Zoho Corporation

Founded: 1996

Company Size: 1001-5000

HQ Location: 4141 Hacienda Drive, Pleasanton, California 94588, USA

Financials: PRIVATE

QuestionPro Survey

Free Online Community Software Platform | QuestionPro


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QuestionPro Survey Icon

QuestionPro Survey

Free Online Community Software Platform | QuestionPro

QuestionPro Survey is an online survey software to create surveys and questionnaires in minutes and also enable researchers to analyze and view the results. It helps to manage risks, scale best practices and improve digital and social presence.

Top Business Usecases : Feedback survey,Measuring net promoter score,Market research
Top Features : White-labeled survey forms,Dashboard,Survey themes library
QuestionPro Survey Icon

Vendor: QuestionPro

Founded: 2002

Company Size: 251-500

HQ Location: 9450 SW Gemini Dr #62790 Beaverton, OR 97008-7105 USA

Financials: PRIVATE

Outgrow | Interactive Quizzes | Interactive Calculators


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Outgrow Icon


★★★★★ | Interactive Quizzes | Interactive Calculators

Outgrow provides Marketing Toolkit to Marketers to engage their customers that helps in lead conversion and generate referral traffic.

Top Business Usecases : Engagement management,Engaging and following up,Generation of new leads
Top Features : Calculator,Gamification,Contests/quizes
Outgrow Icon

Vendor: Outgrow

Company Size: 11-50

HQ Location: 401 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016, US

Financials: PRIVATE


Online Review Management | Customer Review Software


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BirdEye Icon


Online Review Management | Customer Review Software

BirdEye is a customer experience platform designed for both Small Business and Enterprise to help enhance business, increase revenue and improve operations at scale. It helps the sales, marketing and the customer experience teams to create brand awareness on web, dominate search results, attract more reviews and track real-time review from the customers.

Top Business Usecases : Rating and review management,Customer feedback management,Engagement management
Top Features : Feedback surveys,Dashboard,Ticketing
BirdEye Icon

Vendor: Birdeye

Founded: 2012

Company Size: 251-500

HQ Location: 250 Cambridge Ave Suite 103 Palo Alto, CA 94306

Financials: SERIES C

Grade.Us Review Management Get More Online Reviews - Best Reputation and Review ...


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Grade.Us Review Management Icon

Grade.Us Review Management

★★★★★ Get More Online Reviews - Best Reputation and Review ... is a SaaS platform for complete online review management and marketing. It helps to improve ROI and acquire customers.

Top Business Usecases : Rating and review management,White labeling,Reputation management
Top Features : White label,SEO,Dashboard
Grade.Us Review Management Icon

Vendor: Grade Us

Company Size: 1-10

HQ Location: Grade Us, LLC 15400 SE 30th Pl., Suite 202, Bellevue, Washington 98007, US

Financials: PRIVATE


Easy form creator without technical knowledge


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Easy form creator without technical knowledge

Paperform is a flexible online SaaS platform helping small businesses build beautiful no-code solutions that simplify work and life. It collects information, keeps it on schedule, a form that gets paid, onboard and organizes, educates and entertains, persuades, sells and solves problems. It's a form for any situation.

Top Business Usecases : Social media management,Customer feedback management,Engagement management
Top Features : Feedback surveys,Landing page,Templates
Paperform Icon

Vendor: Paperform

Company Size: 1-10

HQ Location: Tupper St, Enmore, NSW AU

Financials: PRIVATE

BlueSnap AR automation

AR Automation & Revenue Lifecycle Management Software


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BlueSnap AR automation

AR Automation & Revenue Lifecycle Management Software

BlueSnap AR automation is an All-in-one Accounts Receivable software built for supporting Sales teams with contract and order processing, and Finance teams with the tools for managing accounts receivables, billing and payments.

Top Business Usecases : Sales document management,Engagement management,Customer feedback management
Top Features : Feedback surveys,Dashboard,Recording
BlueSnap AR automation Icon

Vendor: BlueSnap

Company Size: 101-250

HQ Location: Boston, MA

Financials: PRIVATE


Auryc, Customer Intelligence Platform | Session Replay, Behavior ...


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Auryc, Customer Intelligence Platform | Session Replay, Behavior ...

Auryc is a customer journey intelligence platform that surfaces real-time insights with powerful visual context across all digital e-commerce journeys. It helps enterprises find and resolve the customer journey issues that directly impact conversions and customer satisfaction.

Top Business Usecases : Engagement management,Customer feedback management,Engaging and following up
Top Features : Recording,Dashboard
Auryc Icon

Vendor: Auryc

Company Size: 11-50

HQ Location: 5050 W El Camino Real, Los Altos, California 94022, US

Financials: SERIES A


competitive intelligence


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competitive intelligence

Arbit is a polling application that aggregates real-time consumer sentiment, combining social engagement with a powerful analytics tool. It provides solutions for market research via online surveys for enterprises.

Top Business Usecases : Engagement management,Engaging and following up,Market research
Top Features : Feedback surveys
Arbit Icon

Vendor: Arbit

Company Size: 1-10

HQ Location: 900 E Fort Ave, 308, Baltimore, Maryland 21230, US

Financials: SEED


UseResponse - Customer Support Software


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UseResponse - Customer Support Software

UseResponse is a cloud-based customer support solution that provides users with customer service tools and a social customer relationship management(CRM) solution. It helps to enhance customer relationships and build brand awareness.

Top Business Usecases : Helpdesk management,Knowledge management,Customer feedback management
Top Features : Ticketing,Widgets
UseResponse Icon

Vendor: UseResponse

Founded: 2015

Company Size: 1-10

HQ Location: 39 E. Broadway APT. B1 Long Beach, NY, 11561

Financials: PRIVATE


Software to build people-friendly forms and surveys


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Software to build people-friendly forms and surveys

Typeform is a software platform for building people-friendly forms and surveys, transforming questions into a conversational flow that ensures better responses and completion rates. It can be used by Sales and Marketing teams to attract new customers, by writers, designers and content creators, amongst others.

Top Business Usecases : Improve customer experience by collecting feedback,Acquire customers by online contact form,Engaging conversational surveys
Top Features : Embedded survey forms,Personalization,Survey themes library
Typeform Icon

Vendor: Typeform

Founded: 2012

Company Size: 101-250

HQ Location: Barcelona

Financials: SERIES B


Measure the Customer Experience


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Measure the Customer Experience

ReviewTrackers is a customer feedback software that helps businesses transform the customer experience. It helps to increase local SEO rankings, analyze customer experience to make better business decisions, and drive results that impact revenue.

Top Business Usecases : Rating and review management,Customer feedback management,Reputation management
Top Features : Alerts: popups & Notifications,Dashboard,Templates
ReviewTrackers Icon

Vendor: ReviewTrackers

Founded: 2012

Company Size: 51-100

HQ Location: 320 W Ohio Street, Suite 2W Chicago, IL 60654

Financials: SERIES B


Online Market Research | AYTM Market Research


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Online Market Research | AYTM Market Research

AYTM is an Online Market Research solution that helps brands and agencies gain insights from their target markets. Researchers are empowered to conduct sophisticated research with a click of a button from a powerful but easy to use interface, cutting down the time to insights from days or weeks to hours.

Top Business Usecases : Market research,Advertisement,Customer feedback management
Top Features : Feedback surveys,Dashboard,Personalization

Vendor: AYTM

Company Size: 11-50

HQ Location: 404 Bryant St, San Francisco, California 94107, US

Financials: PRIVATE

Customerly - Live Chat Software with Knowledgebase and Marketing ...


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★★★★★ - Live Chat Software with Knowledgebase and Marketing ...

Customerly is a Live Chat software for the website with video Calls, typing previews, knowledge base, and surveys. It helps to increase sales and revenue and enhance customer relationships.

Top Business Usecases : Customer feedback management,Helpdesk management,Measuring net promoter score
Top Features : Feedback surveys,Templates,Personalization
Customerly Icon

Vendor: Customerly

Company Size: 1-10

HQ Location: Dublin, IE

Financials: PRIVATE