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Compare Orangescrum vs WorkOtter

Comparison Summary

This comparison report of Orangescrum vs. WorkOtter is based on a specific set of business needs and context. The comparison uses 2267 Cuspera insights based on peer reviews, case studies, testimonials, and expert opinions across 50+ sources.

Introducing Orangescrum and WorkOtter

Orangescrum, WorkOtter, Backlog, RoboHead, etc., belong to a category of solutions that help Project Management. Different products excel in different areas, so the best platform for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements.

Orangescrum covers Collaboration, Workflow Management, Engagement Management, Training & Onboarding, etc.

WorkOtter focuses on Collaboration with E-Mail, Forecasting, Workflow Management, Helpdesk Management with E-Mail, etc.

"I feel like the changes I have requested in Orangescrum have been added pretty much instantly. As soon as I hit send on the email, their team works to get the new feature or enhancement added as soon as they can. It's truly unlike any other experien...ce I've had as a former Project Manager and a current CEO. " - Hayley Turner

"I decided to give WorkOtter a go on a change management project I was working on and it was honestly a great experience. I found it to be a very effective system to operate on, in what concerns usage. The support team was also of big help, since the...y were always available to answer questions and doubts in this transition. The automation and intuitive aspect of the software allowed our most untrained coworkers to take full advantage of its features while our senior coworkers utilized the opportunity to expand their ideas. " - Clayton Siqueira

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logo Orangescrum

Focus area

Software Failure Risk

  • medium

logo WorkOtter

Focus area

WorkOtter is better than Orangescrum for

Software Failure Risk

  • low


#1 Project and Task Management Software to drive customer and internal projects

Project Portfolio and Resource Management Software




Business Need

Total Processes
(we found evidences for)



Total Goals
(we found evidences for)



Top Processes

Evidences indicate better relative satisfaction

workflow management

engagement management

engaging and following up

helpdesk management

training & onboarding

social media management

social media analytics

communication management

sending & publishing communications

tracking & monitoring communications

customer feedback management

measuring customer satisfaction

content management

campaign management

sales document management

products & pricelist management

follower management

attribution management

Top Goals

Goals Achieved

  • Improve efficiency

  • Improve internal communications

  • Improve visibility

  • Enhance customer relationships

  • Improve ROI

  • See 2 more
  • Manage risk

  • Scale best practices

  • Enhance customer relationships

  • Improve internal communications

  • Improve stakeholder relations

  • Improve ROI

  • Improve efficiency

  • See 4 more

Top Channels

Channels Used

  • e-mail

  • e-mail

Failure Risk Guidance Security Report?

Low Medium High
Low Medium High

Compliance Risk





Security & Privacy Risk





Integration Risk





Migration Risk





Business Setting