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Compare Talkable vs ReferralMagic

Comparison Summary

This comparison report of Talkable vs. ReferralMagic is based on a specific set of business needs and context. The comparison uses 4417 Cuspera insights based on peer reviews, case studies, testimonials, and expert opinions across 50+ sources.

Introducing Talkable and ReferralMagic

Talkable, ReferralMagic, Extole Advocacy, Mention Me, etc., belong to a category of solutions that help Referral Marketing. Different products excel in different areas, so the best platform for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements.

Talkable covers Referral Management with E-Mail, Loyalty Management with Promotions, Campaign Management with Promotions, Communication Management with E-Mail, etc.

ReferralMagic focuses on Campaign Management, Sales Incentive Management, Loyalty Management, Referral Management, etc.

"Talkable has helped Outdoor Research boost both our new customer and pro acquisition through a passive and effective platform. The ability to leverage our existing customer base to grow both revenue and new customers has been a great asset to our e-...commerce strategy. " - Zach Alexander

"When it comes to referral marketing, there are loads of solutions that talk a good game, but ReferralMagic is the easiest yet powerful one for running your own referral program. We increased our revenue by 18% with ReferralMagic. " - David Henzel

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logo Talkable

Focus area

Talkable is better than ReferralMagic for

Software Failure Risk

  • low

logo ReferralMagic

Focus area

Software Failure Risk

  • medium


Referral Program software built for eCommerce

Referral tracking software made for SaaS






Business Need

Total Processes
(we found evidences for)



Total Goals
(we found evidences for)



Top Processes

Evidences indicate better relative satisfaction

referral management

campaign management

communication management

sending & publishing communications

promotion management

advocacy management

engagement management

engaging and following up

sales incentive management

generation of new leads

Top Goals

Goals Achieved

  • Increase sales & revenue

  • Acquire customers

  • Increase customer life time value

  • Improve ROI

  • See 1 more
  • Enhance customer relationships

  • Increase sales & revenue

Top Channels

Channels Used

  • e-mail

  • social media

  • games

  • e-mail

  • social media

  • games

Failure Risk Guidance Security Report?

Low Medium High
Low Medium High

Compliance Risk



No Data


Security & Privacy Risk



No Data


Integration Risk





Migration Risk





Business Setting