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Compare Zilliant Sales IQ vs Ontrack Workflow

Comparison Summary

This comparison report of Zilliant Sales IQ vs. Ontrack Workflow is based on a specific set of business needs and context. The comparison uses 142 Cuspera insights based on peer reviews, case studies, testimonials, and expert opinions across 50+ sources.

Introducing Zilliant Sales IQ and Ontrack Workflow

Zilliant Sales IQ, and Ontrack Workflow belong to a category of solutions that help Sales Enablement. Different products excel in different areas, so the best platform for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements.

Zilliant Sales IQ covers Sales Document Management, Cross Selling, Upselling, Account Management, etc.

Ontrack Workflow focuses on Workflow Management, Social Media Management, Campaign Management, Offer Management, etc.

"Zilliant came in and understood the heart of our complex business in the B2B landscape. They developed an AI model that helps us identify growth and retention opportunities. But they didn't stop at just building the tool. They were so passionate abo...ut our success and achieving our company goals that they continued to work with us on the best adoption strategies. They were crucial to helping us achieve our targets. This is true partnership! " - Shirley Mitchell

"Ontrack, both the system and the staff behind it, has helped us create a program dubbed “Everyday Marketing” in which our sales team can execute professional, on brand, on message direct mail campaigns, when and where they need them, based on their ...specific territory dynamics. Response from our sales teams has been great and the ROI on these campaigns has set a new international benchmark company-wide. Ontrack has real people behind it…it is a big system, with big capability that can help produce big results. " - ADP

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logo Zilliant Sales IQ

Focus area

Software Failure Risk

  • medium

logo Ontrack Workflow

Focus area

Software Failure Risk

  • medium


Sales Enablement tool to generate actionable customer insights for sales growth

Sales enablement tool to control and distribute your brand





Business Need

Total Processes
(we found evidences for)



Total Goals
(we found evidences for)



Top Processes

Evidences indicate better relative satisfaction

sales document management

contract management

campaign management

workflow management

social media analytics

social media management

social media analytics

distribution management

Top Goals

Goals Achieved

  • Increase sales & revenue

  • Enhance customer relationships

  • Acquire customers

  • Improve efficiency

  • Improve ROI

  • See 2 more
  • Improve ROI

  • Enter new markets internationally or locally

  • Build brand awareness

  • Acquire customers

  • See 1 more

Top Channels

Channels Used

  • offline

  • causes and charity

  • offline

  • causes and charity

Failure Risk Guidance Security Report?

Low Medium High
Low Medium High

Compliance Risk





Security & Privacy Risk



No Data


Integration Risk





Migration Risk





Business Setting